Thursday, October 13, 2011

Allegory, Symbolism and Metaphor in Invasion of the body snatchers

In the movie/film, "Invasion Of the Body Snatchers", the film used unknown creature as an allegory for the government. What started out as good film ended up in a tragic.  A small town was under attack of some kind of creatures. These creatures would take over your body in a way that is not easy to explain. 
                                 The movie started out in way that was managable. The man, Dr. Miles had talked two different people who had been going through alot. A young boy thought this mom was not his mom and a lady who thought her unlce wasnt her uncle. Dr. Miles thought the little boy was hallucinating. The lady stated that "there was something was missing form her Uncle Earl", but didnt quite know what it was. As time went on things got really weird.
                                A man had discovered a dead body and brought it to Dr. Miles' attention. However the dead body had no wounds or any other signs of death. Dr. Miles and the people that were with him tried to make inferences on how the man had died. Soon after noone found anything, everyone left and return the next day. When Dr. Miles returned the body was missing. He had sworn there was a dead body, but no matter what he said everyone thought he was hallucinating. That is until more people said they were witnesses as to what Dr. Miles had saw.
                               The mystery of the body was still on, when Dr. Miles had recieved a phone call from a friend of his, saying that the lady needed help. He got over there as quickly as he could. Without making a sound Dr. Miles crawled into the window and began to search the place. He had discovered a dead body in the man's seller. He got the lady out the house while she was sleeping. Dr. Miles arrived back at the house with two other people the next day. He tried to convience the man that there was dead body was in the seller. After the man discovered there was " no body in the seller", the man thought Dr. Miles was hallucinating.
                              Things afterwards became very weird. The bodies that were supposibly dead, had come up missing. Dr. Miles and a lady was on the run for the escape of these crazy alien things. It all seemed as if it was going well but then the lady who had seemed to be regularly human, had turned into one of the body snatchers. then something weird happened, and Dr. Miles had ended up in a room talking to two guys, explaing what had happened.
                              If this was a sign of how the government is, then I feel as if the filmmaker did a good job at what he was doing. The government tries to take over every human just like the aliens did in the movie. the government also have people working undercover to show that they are regular. Just as they did in the story. The woman had pretended to be on Dr. Miles' side, but he soon realized that the lady was one of them.
                                                                 THE END